Youth Fest is a campaign to combat Human Trafficking and Slavery. MTV EXIT in association with KOMPAK Jakarta (ECPAT Indonesia Youth Group) organized a campaign on prevention of Human Trafficking and Slavery called “Youth Fest Jakarta” held in car free day areas in Jakarta on Sunday 4th May 2014.The campaigns were conducted simultaneously in 5 cities, such as Jakarta, Karawang, Bandung, sukabumi, and Pontianak.
MTV EXIT Youth Ambassadors across Indonesia also hit the streets to educate their communities about human trafficking. It takes guts to take a stand against a social issue.
With its 17,508 islands, Indonesia also has the potential to be a destination country for sexual predators to sexually exploit children. Some tourism areas are the heaven for child sex abusers, such as Batam, Bali, Lombok, et cetera, are some places where children and young people are potentially at risk of sexual exploitation. They need to know how to protect themselves.
It shows us that this problem is one of our biggest problems that we have to face. ECPAT believes that one of the key elements to combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC for short) is young people. That is why ECPAT invited young people who are interested in the issue of CSEC to participate in the fight against CSEC and Trafficking.
This event was also supported by Ministry of Women Empowerment and child Protection, ECPAT Indonesia, IOM, BPMPKB Prov. DKI Jakarta, FemaleNotThing, and Jakarta International School.