Youth Journalism

Youth Can Help Create Awareness on the Issue of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism

Tourism is an important economic activity for Indonesia. The number of foreign as well as domestic tourist, is increasing each year. It makes tourism ranked as the 4th largest economic sector in 2013 that contributes to around 347 trillion rupiahs.[1] On the other hand, tourism… Selengkapnya »Youth Can Help Create Awareness on the Issue of Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism

The Amazing Trip

Awalnya, aku tak pernah berfikir jika di luar sana banyak teman-teman sebayaku yang mempertaruhkan masa muda dan kanak-kanaknya untuk bertahan hidup dan membantu orang tua. Hari ini aku bersama dengan teman-teman Jakarta Intercultural School, SMK N 20 Jakarta dan SMIP 28 Oktober Jakarta melakukan field… Selengkapnya »The Amazing Trip